Personalized Greeting Cards Printing
Greeting Card Printing

Greeting Card Printing

Greeting cards are a medium to say you care and are personal. Make them even personal by printing your name and the recipient’s name. What about adding an even more personal touch with a custom message. Hold on, you can even have your own captured moments of joy or surprise in the form of photograph to decorate the greeting card. All this is possible with DESCO Print Centre.

Print one to thousands, all of them in superior quality and finishing. Emboss, metallic foil, fold or laminate. Select matching envelopes and print addressed on it or print and stick name labels. With DESCO, you are never short of ideas that can turn to practice.

Printing Press Dubai:

DESCO has design templates for all seasonal greetings. Be it a New Year greeting, Eid greeting or a Diwali greeting card. Visit one of our 11 customer friendly locations across Dubai and Abu Dhabi and sit with our designers to choose a greeting card design, customise it and print them instantly.

Surprise your family member or friend with a completely personalised greeting card on their special occasions like birthday, anniversary or achievements and show them you care!